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Performance Philosophy
Performance Philosophy is an international network open to all researchers concerned with the relationship between performance & philosophy.
Started by aha. Last reply by aha May 11, 2020. 2 Replies 0 Likes
Hi.Hopefully all is well!The shorty is a suggestion to start an online conversation group to elaborate questions from theCovid-19 oriented period and Performance Philosophy?eg. Intra-Active Virome?…Continue
Started by Egemen Kalyon Apr 2, 2020. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Hello, "We all have the same dream" is my project that aims to create an archive from the dreams of our era and reinterpret Jung's "collective unconscious" concepts with performance and performing…Continue
Started by Ante Ursic Mar 15, 2020. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Circus and its Others 2020November 12-15University of California, DavisRevised Proposal Deadline: April 15, 2020Launched in 2014, the Circus and its Others research project explores the ways in which…Continue
Tags: critical, ethnic, queer, performance, animal
Posted by Anirban Kumar on May 13, 2020 at 14:27 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Phillip Cartwright on January 15, 2020 at 21:28 0 Comments 0 Likes
Karolina Nevoina and I are pleased to announce availability of our working paper, "Further Evidence on the Meaning of Musical Performance". Special thanks to Professor Aaron Williamon and the Royal College of Music, Centre for Performance Science.…
ContinuePosted by Carlos Eduardo Sanabria on December 6, 2019 at 20:01 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Gabrielle Senza on February 23, 2018 at 0:36 0 Comments 1 Like
I just came across Denis Beaubois, an Australian multidisciplinary artist whose work, Currency - Division of Labor might be of interest to researchers here.
It is a series of video/performance works that use the division of labor model in capitalism as a structural tool for performance.
From his website:
The Division of labour work explores…
Time: September 5, 2018 to September 7, 2018
Location: Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, Wales, UK
City/Town: Aberystwyth
Website or Map: http://tapra.org/wg-calls-for…
Event Type: conference
Organized By: Fred Dalmasso, Kélina Gotman, Daniela Perazzo Domm
Latest Activity: Apr 16, 2018
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In A Grammar of the Multitude, Paolo Virno asks how we might overcome the twenty-first century’s crises of politics, the systematic paralysis into which political action is continually falling. He also asks how we might find refuge in a world characterized by ubiquitous fear, by the experience of ‘not feeling at home.’ What might strategies of unconditional refuge be in the face of failing security? What are the choreopolitical paths of disobedience? Virno points towards defection as a modality of disobedience that ‘alters the rules of the game and throws the adversary off balance’: ‘Nothing is less passive than the act of fleeing, of exiting. Defection modifies the conditions within which the struggle takes place, rather than presupposing those conditions to be an unalterable horizon […]. In short, exit consists of unrestrained invention.’ (Virno 2004, 70) But what has to be constituted – or reconstituted – is the subject who is fleeing, exiting; to find strength and solidarity in this radical act. To find – perhaps to make – in this action another home. In short, to articulate ways of being away from anxiety and fear – what Kant in his thinking described as Furcht.Virno draws on Kant (see esp. Critique of Judgment) in discussing the dialectic of dread and refuge: ‘Where is it that one can find unconditional refuge? Kant answers: in the moral “I,” since it is precisely there that one finds something of the non-contingent, of the realm above the mundane.’ (Virno 2004, 31) Virno discriminates between the Kantian view of the dialectic of dread and refuge, which is based on a distinction between particular danger and absolute danger (also articulated by Heidegger through the distinction between fear and anguish) and the collapse of this distinction in the post-Fordist world, in which ‘the dividing line between fear and anguish, between relative dread and absolute dread, is precisely what has failed.’ (Virno 2004, 32) If post-Fordist institutions rely on a culture of pervasive dread – manifest as fear and anxiety – how do we resist this nearly intangible culture today? Arguably, we are moving beyond the sort of entrenched paralysis Virno speaks of, towards a new sort of political breakthrough, a manner of imagining life not determined by institutional cultures of fear and anxiety. Yet much thinking needs still to be done around the ways in which we engage in concerted resistance: do we fight within institutional walls – and if so, how do we resist systems of perpetual visibilisation – the gaze of securitization that renders us so exposed? What does this fight look like? Do we exit – and if so, where to? Is there a new underground?
Topics which might be covered include, but are not limited to:
Dramaturgies of appearance and disappearance - Flight, escape, exi - Undergrounds and undercommons - Institutions, ‘homes’ and politics of control and of care - Dread, fear, anxiety and anguish - Solidarity, refuge - Choreographies and choreopolitics of migration - Theatres of stasis and movement - Dialectics and cultures of resistance - Exposure and enclosure - Disobedience, disavowal, dissent - Languages of kinship: sisterhood and the gendering of revolt - Divide and rule: politics of segregation - Borders, walls, bridges and tunnels - Compounds, asylums, pastures and fields: dramaturgies and dramas of ‘freedom’
Please email 300-word abstract + biog to Kélina Gotman (kelina.gotman@kcl.ac.uk), Daniela Perazzo Domm (D.Perazzodomm@kingston.ac.uk) and Fred Dalmasso (f.t.j.dalmasso@lboro.ac.uk).
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