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Performing Viral Pandemics?

Started by aha. Last reply by aha May 11, 2020. 2 Replies

Hi.Hopefully all is well!The shorty is a suggestion to start an online conversation group to elaborate questions from theCovid-19 oriented period and Performance Philosophy?eg. Intra-Active Virome?…Continue

We all have the same dream?

Started by Egemen Kalyon Apr 2, 2020. 0 Replies

Hello, "We all have the same dream" is my project that aims to create an archive from the dreams of our era and reinterpret Jung's "collective unconscious" concepts with performance and performing…Continue

Circus and Its Others 2020, UC Davis CFP

Started by Ante Ursic Mar 15, 2020. 0 Replies

Circus and its Others 2020November 12-15University of California, DavisRevised Proposal Deadline: April 15, 2020Launched in 2014, the Circus and its Others research project explores the ways in which…Continue

Tags: critical, ethnic, queer, performance, animal

Blog Posts

"Further Evidence on the Meaning of Musical Performance" Working Paper

Posted by Phillip Cartwright on January 15, 2020 at 21:28 0 Comments

Karolina Nevoina and I are pleased to announce availability of our working paper, "Further Evidence on the Meaning of Musical Performance". Special thanks to Professor Aaron Williamon and the Royal College of Music, Centre for Performance Science.…


Division of Labor - Denis Beaubois

Posted by Gabrielle Senza on February 23, 2018 at 0:36 0 Comments

I just came across Denis Beaubois, an Australian multidisciplinary artist whose work, Currency - Division of Labor might be of interest to researchers here.

It is a series of video/performance works that use the division of labor model in capitalism as a structural tool for performance.

From his website:

The Division of labour work explores…




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Subversive Theories of the Political Workshop

Event Details

Subversive Theories of the Political Workshop

Time: October 25, 2018 to October 26, 2018
Location: Colorado College
Event Type: academic, workshop
Latest Activity: Jun 7, 2018

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Event Description

Funded by the 2018 Collaborative Project Proposal Grant of the Academy of Global Humanities and Critical Theory, this workshop seeks to bring together faculty and graduate students who are working on ways to radically rethink the political in the face of a growing convergence between neoliberalism and neo-fascism. These two-day workshop will take place at Colorado College on October 25-26. Interested applicants should submit a CV and an abstract by July 15th (11:59 EST) to the following e-mail address: With the following subject heading in the e-mail: “Subversive Theories of the Political Workshop.” Final decisions will be made on July 22rd and all applicants will be notified shortly afterwards. All accepted faculty applicants will be supported with $200 in funds, in order to facilitate their travel and housing arrangements. All graduate students will be supported with $400 in funds for the same purposes. Accepted participants should confirm their attendance by August 6th and make their own individual arrangements for airfare tickets and lodging. They should keep their receipts in order to be reimbursed. All participants are expected to discuss work-in-progress, and to identify two sessions in which they would like their contributions to be considered, taking into account the following two-day workshop sessions division:


Day 1:  Concepts

First Session: After hegemony and bio/necropolitics? Conceptualizing the political

We invite presentations that reinterpret already existing concepts of the political (i.e., hegemony, biopolitics, necropolitics, democracy, social death, settler colonialism, etc.), or develop new ones. 

            Second Session: After the demos? Conceptualizing political subjectivity

We invite presentations that reinterpret already existing concepts of political subjectivity (i.e., the demos, the slave, the native, the party, the social movement, the uncivil society, the undercommons, etc.), or develop new ones.

            Laura Padilla Lecture by Associate Professor Robyn Marasco, Hunter College


Day 2:  Problems

First Session: Rethinking the political

We invite presentations seeking to problematize our understandings of the emancipatory/liberatory energies and their coalitional modes of convergence/divergence, as well as the theoretical modes of inquiry that we have to interpret them.

Second Session: Rethinking political subjectivity

We invite presentations that unpack the implications, for our understanding of the political and of the intellectual traditions through which the political has been thought, of moving from difference understood as a question of social identity, to difference understood as a question of settler colonial positionality.

Third Session: Rethinking de-politicization

We invite presentations that reinterpret already existing concepts seeking to name neoliberal depoliticization (i.e., the police, coloniality, racial capitalism, etc.), or develop new ones.


The idea is to have two authors per session. This means that we will only accept a total of 10 submissions.

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