16 members
3 members
Interest in the performance of black womanhood or black girlhood
12 members
79 members
2 members
WE ALL HAVE THE SAME DREAM Could we all be having the same dream? The famous psychoanalyst Jung answered yes to this question, describing the collective unconscious as human psychic accumulation. In the years just before World War I broke out, portrayals of apocalypse were common in European ar…
11 members
The central concern of this group is the question of ecological existence: how does one inhabit, consciously, ecological being? How might we engage the unfolding ecological crisis through philosophy and performance in ways that are efficacious, transformative?
9 members
17 members
Exploring the intersections between performance making and research and feminist care ethics. Unaffiliated site on care ethics: http://ethicsofcare.org
9 members
20 members
For those interested in Buddhist influences in theatre and performance both in terms of critical discourse and performance practice.
7 members
For anyone working on, or interested in philosophy and the technical elements of performance: sound, lighting, scenic design, costume, stage/production management, etc.
7 members
This working Group is based at Northwestern University and was founded in January 2015. It aims to address the relationship between theatre, performance and philosophy through multiple forms. By bringing together students and faculty members from different disciplines and departments, Northwestern …
11 members
Philosophy has been extremely influential within the field of performance studies. Yet, the centrality of embodied practices and the influence of postcolonial studies have forced performance studies to grapple with a double tendency within philosophy: the privileging of archival over embodied knowl…
26 members
see blog on my page
4 members
We are performance artists and from other disciplines, which through a practice of composition, experimentation, and improvisation in real time, we seek to bring the viewer into a non orthodox sense of "seeing". Our work in improvisation and composition is presented as an event, an atmosphere, an "…
21 members
Science Fiction Studies has relied on performance theory in order to define itself. For instance, the 'father' SF studies, Darko Suvin, relied on Brecht in the development of his definition of SF as the literature of cognitive estrangement. Later, Carl Freedman wrote of the effect that SF perform…
8 members
University of Roehampton staff and students with an interest in Performance Philosophy
54 members
The goal of this group is to qualify the dramatic terms of the affinity between philosophy and performance. By tracing the parallel between the forms that philosophical writing adopted and their corresponding dramatic visions, this group strives to demonstrate how the genre-specific relations betwe…
5 members
63 members
This group is interested in the multiple relationships between music, performance, and philosophy. No particular methodology or intellectual tradition is emphasised: the purpose of the group is to further the understanding of philosophy in, and as music performance, and of music performance as phil…