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Performing Viral Pandemics?

Started by aha. Last reply by aha May 11, 2020. 2 Replies

Hi.Hopefully all is well!The shorty is a suggestion to start an online conversation group to elaborate questions from theCovid-19 oriented period and Performance Philosophy?eg. Intra-Active Virome?…Continue

We all have the same dream?

Started by Egemen Kalyon Apr 2, 2020. 0 Replies

Hello, "We all have the same dream" is my project that aims to create an archive from the dreams of our era and reinterpret Jung's "collective unconscious" concepts with performance and performing…Continue

Circus and Its Others 2020, UC Davis CFP

Started by Ante Ursic Mar 15, 2020. 0 Replies

Circus and its Others 2020November 12-15University of California, DavisRevised Proposal Deadline: April 15, 2020Launched in 2014, the Circus and its Others research project explores the ways in which…Continue

Tags: critical, ethnic, queer, performance, animal

Blog Posts

"Further Evidence on the Meaning of Musical Performance" Working Paper

Posted by Phillip Cartwright on January 15, 2020 at 21:28 0 Comments

Karolina Nevoina and I are pleased to announce availability of our working paper, "Further Evidence on the Meaning of Musical Performance". Special thanks to Professor Aaron Williamon and the Royal College of Music, Centre for Performance Science.…


Division of Labor - Denis Beaubois

Posted by Gabrielle Senza on February 23, 2018 at 0:36 0 Comments

I just came across Denis Beaubois, an Australian multidisciplinary artist whose work, Currency - Division of Labor might be of interest to researchers here.

It is a series of video/performance works that use the division of labor model in capitalism as a structural tool for performance.

From his website:

The Division of labour work explores…




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I am waiting in Euston Station to catch a train to Manchester to go to the SEP-FEP conference: the joint conference of the Society for European Philosophy and the Forum for European Philosophy where John Mullarkey and I are going to give a joint presentation on Laruelle and Kaprow, non-philosophy meets nonart and the nonhuman.


And I am having, again, a bout of interdisciplinary anxiety.


In part, this follows some very interesting discussions on an earlier train with two colleagues Tony Fisher and Amanda Stuart-Fisher about the inevitable issues and questions surrounding any interdisciplinary project, such as Performance Philosophy.


How do those who have not been trained in Philosophy engage with it?

How do we avoid accusations or (sometimes self-imposed) impressions of dilettantism?

What counts as ‘expertise’ in the interdisciplinary realm of Performance Philosophy?

Do philosophers feel any interdisciplinary anxiety when they engage in discussions about performance or art? (and my suspicion is that they may do, but less so than scholars from other disciplines worry about their ‘right’ to engage with philosophy).


We had been discussing moments of confrontation we had experienced at philosophy conferences. The moments when we have witnessed a more junior or less experienced speaker being derailed by an ‘expert’ - with notions of expertise based on, say, those who have specialized in the thought of a single philosopher throughout their career, who have read that philosopher in their original language, who have read everything available written by that philosopher and extensive amounts of secondary literature.


We all agree that there is much to be valued in these experts. But we were also questioning whether this was the only type of expertise. And about the limits of philosophy conceived only as the practice of the history of philosophy.


And we talked about dogmatism and the question of how to converse in the context of profound disagreement.  I reiterate my idea that Performance Philosophy as an association should not exclude any mode of philosophy except those that seek to exclude others – that is, those who refuse to acknowledge the validity of any other approach to the topic than their own. The confrontation, anatagonism or what one could even call aggression of some philosophical debates – whether they take place online, in print or at conferences – is arguably relatively unfamiliar in the context of theatre and performance. Perhaps to the good, perhaps problematically – but it does make me wonder what new ways of dealing with disagreement might emerge in the interdisciplinary context of a Performance Philosophy event.





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Comment by Will Daddario on September 7, 2012 at 20:48


I'm embarking on a game that I call "Will meets philosophers." As is obvious from the game's title, I'm setting meetings with "real" philosophers here at my home institution. I met with one person (Ken Waters) already. We had a great conversation in which we attempted to teach each other about our respective disciplines and then imagine what Performance Philosophy might be. I am scheduling two more meetings soon, and I plan to propose this game to other PP members at ASTR in November. My plan is to collect enough notes to adequately address some of the issues you're raising here. I think we should make this discussion part of the proceedings at Surrey in April. 

Comment by Julia Lee Barclay-Morton on September 5, 2012 at 19:19

Thanks for this and good luck.  I have similar anxieties.  It occurs to me though that most interesting shifts in philosophy must have seemed like 'non-standard' philosophy at the outset.  Nietzsche comes to mind.  Or even Kierkegaard....Still sorting through all this myself and even feeling more 'non-standard' because working independently.

Glad for this forum to discuss and glad for your blog.

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