Announcing the Performance Philosophy Crowdfunding Campaign!

Performance Philosophy is launching our first crowd-funding campaign, to ensure the continued running of the Performance Philosophy Journal (now in its fourth year) and the online network, and most importantly, to keep open a space for creative, experimental thinking through publications, events, and community (you!)


WE NEED YOUR HELP. Performance Philosophy does not make a profit from its events, requires no membership fee to join, and relies almost entirely on volunteer labour. Publishing, translation, accessibility, and supporting innovative forms of knowledge production take time and money. We are currently in need of £5000 to cover the costs of running the journal for the upcoming year.  


As a network with a membership of almost 3000 scholars and practitioners, practically this means that if each person donated £2 / €2.30 / $2.50 right now, we’d reach our goal.


If you believe in new forms of thinking, philosophizing, performing and doing, in and beyond the academic, aesthetic, and artistic sphere: please consider supporting us with any amount that you deem appropriate.




The Performance Philosophy Conveners