I am looking for people to interview as part of a research project, about their responses to two events in London:
The first is the exhibitionThinking with the body: Mind and movement in the work of Wayne McGregor | Random Dance which a free event at the Wellcome Collection running between 19th September – 27th October. The second is Wayne McGregor/Random Dance's new work Atomos which will be performed at Sadler’s Wells on Wed 9th – 12th October. I have included links below for further info.
If you are planning to attend either or both of these events and would be willing to talk to me about your experiences please let me know.
This research concerns the relationship between the acquisition of ‘choreographic knowledge’ and the appreciation of dance works.I hope that the interviews will be interesting for you too, they will be open-ended and provide the chance for an informal discussion.
Interviews will be arranged at a time of your convenience and will be a maximum of 20 minutes long. All information will be treated confidentially.
Please do get in touch if you would like to be involved or have any questions. My email address in bladesh@coventry.ac.uk
Dance Philosophers
79 members
Research Participants
by Hetty Blades
Sep 11, 2013
Dear all,
I am looking for people to interview as part of a research project, about their responses to two events in London:
The first is the exhibition Thinking with the body: Mind and movement in the work of Wayne McGregor | Random Dance which a free event at the Wellcome Collection running between 19th September – 27th October. The second is Wayne McGregor/Random Dance's new work Atomos which will be performed at Sadler’s Wells on Wed 9th – 12th October. I have included links below for further info.
If you are planning to attend either or both of these events and would be willing to talk to me about your experiences please let me know.
This research concerns the relationship between the acquisition of ‘choreographic knowledge’ and the appreciation of dance works.I hope that the interviews will be interesting for you too, they will be open-ended and provide the chance for an informal discussion.
Interviews will be arranged at a time of your convenience and will be a maximum of 20 minutes long. All information will be treated confidentially.