State of Encounter as performance (estado de encuentro)

We are performance artists and from other disciplines, which through a practice of composition, experimentation, and improvisation in real time, we seek to bring the viewer into a non orthodox sense of

Our work in improvisation and composition is presented as an event, an atmosphere, an "Encounter", in which certain performance tools (movement, silence, sound, words, light and projection), do not follow a temporal development of an action or narration with his introduction, knot and outcome, but instead they invite the audience to experience another kind of contemplation and perception of the

We think on performance as a communal political act that aims to encourage a relationship with the motor that organizes the material of perception and  consciousness, based on alternate designs instead of the ordinary and preset communication done by the mainstream.

Improvisation is manifested as an encounter between  artists and offers us means, ways of a singular, playful and experimental artistic life (thought as experience).

Keyword: "Experimentation."-Essential condition to achieve other contemporary possibilities, revealing the body as organism, history, and subject of enunciation at the same time that reveals hegemonic subjugation modes  that steal our body to manufacture opposition susceptible organisms (man-woman, boy -girl, human-animal, economist- dancer, choreographer-theoretical, healthy -sick, etc...) .. Experimentation is a constant  and never-ending process. (Gilles Deleuze)

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