Alexander Theo Giesen


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Institution (if affiliated)
King's College London
Research Interests
aesthetics, epistemology, art, performance, sublime, ideology, materialism, interdisciplinarity, language, performativity, dance, opera, physics, biology, psychology, reception, semiotics, everyday life...

Adorno, Althusser, Austin, Bausch, Barad, Barthes, Brecht, Butler, Diderot, Du Bois, Epicurus, Einstein, Fannon, Federici, Foucault, Freud, Gilroy, Habermas, Hegel, hooks, Horkheimer, Jamerson, Johnson, Kant, Lacan, Lucretius, Marlowe, Marx/Engels, Mies, Milton, Piscator, Plato, Rousseau, Saussure, Shakespeare, Spinoza, Toller, Voltaire, Žižek

But mainly the relationship of art to life and vice-versa.

Currently working on:

Pina Bausch's (or Tanztheater's) methodology and what it can tell us about the art—life dichotomy and the idea of 'transgression'.

Lucretius's influence on John Milton's materialism and the appeal of reader's (of Paradise Lost) to involve in the process of philosophising.

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  • Michael Mccarthy

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    Have a nice day

    My best regards.

    Michael Mccarthy.