Kai Roland Green




Profile Information:

Research Interests
My primary focuses are the Philosophy of Gender, Ethics in Continental Philosophy (particularly Levinas and Heidegger), and the insights of Sensory Studies into these areas. With a background in Theatre Studies, my methodology builds upon the insights of dramaturgy on the Phenomenologists' mission. As a male researcher in the Feminist Phenomenologist's, my central questions concern the attritions and possibilities of an ethical male-involvement in feminism through philosophy and performance.

My undergraduate degree at Royal Holloway, University of London, was supplemented with an additional year spent at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. In both these institutions, the direction of my studies concerned the linkages between Theatre and Philosophy. Gender Studies - particularly feminist phenomenology, and men's (ethically conflicted) relationship to it - became my primary focus.

As a Dramaturg, I have worked in text-based theatre and dance with artists in the North East and London. My work has largely involved encouraging artists to reflect on the social and political dimensions to their work, as well as framing performance in terms of its sensory hierarchies. In collaboration with White Ribbon UK, I created the White Ribbon Cultural Campaign in 2015, encouraging theatres, galleries, film companies and arts organisations to evaluate their commitment to gender diversity across their output and structure.

I currently study on the MSc. Social Entrepreneurship programme at Roskilde University, Denmark.

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