Laura Cull


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Institution (if affiliated)
University of Surrey, UK
Research Interests
Performance: Artaud, Allan Kaprow, John Cage, Goat Island, Tatsumi Hijikata, Robert Wilson, Lygia Clark, Marcus Coates, Living Theatre

Philosophy: Deleuze, Guattari, Bergson, Spinoza, Nietzsche, Laruelle

Themes: Participation, Collaboration, Time/Duration, Animals and the Nonhuman, Voice, Ethics, Mental Health - especially schizophrenia

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  • bruno roubicek

    Laura, thanks for your lecture which was brilliant. And such great technique. Eye contact with audience very impressive. I've downloaded your powerpoint so thanks for that. I feel like there is a huge amount to absorb here. But I wanted to contribute something to the site debate. I've organised a free Little Ecological Arts Festival - LEAF, in an open access public space in Forest Hill, SE London. (1st - 4th May).  I'm facilitating, (Not performing. Does it therefore count as practical research? Another question.), some performances/installations that are attempting to give attention to things. I've attached the poster and the blog is here:

    By the way, I would have come to the conference but the show in Bristol is clashing. In any case, your lecture has given me so much to think about, I need a bit of time before I feel that I can contribute much to discussions.

    All the best and look forward to having a chat sometime. I'm sure the conference will be extraordinary. Bruno

  • bruno roubicek

    Thanks Laura,

    I'll let you know detailed timings nearer the event. Now I know you are possibly able to come on 2nd, I will try and arrange for "Insect Hotel" to be happening then, (2.00pm - 8.00pm). To be honest, the International Collective of Ecological Actors is just whichever mates turn up on the day!! But I am thinking it would be a good name for my new theatre company.

    All the best,


  • Thierry Dousset

    Dear laura,

    How is it going ? Are you teaching in England or studying? I might go to Colombia to do a Phd in Esthétique, the sooner, the better. I had Laruelle as a teacher!

    Have a nice day