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Performance Philosophy
Performance Philosophy is an international network open to all researchers concerned with the relationship between performance & philosophy.
Started by Peter Zazzali. Last reply by Felix de Villiers Feb 24, 2016. 1 Reply 0 Likes
Workshop Title: In Search of Adorno’s Legacy in Performance Theory and Practice Dear Colleagues:Greetings. My name is Peter Zazzali and I am a recent member of the Adorno discussion group. In…Continue
Started by Will Daddario Jan 12, 2014. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Hello to all members of the Adorno group. I'm sorry that I haven't been posting much here over the last year, but the silence was not due to lack of thought.Karoline Gritzner and I have been editing…Continue
Started by Will Daddario. Last reply by Frank M C Kuehn Dec 10, 2012. 6 Replies 0 Likes
I think it would be a good idea if we started compiling a bibliography of sources dedicated to exploring Adorno's thoughts on/for performance. Please add any and all sources, in whatever language, so…Continue
Tags: Bibliography, Adorno
Started by bruno roubicek. Last reply by bruno roubicek Sep 6, 2012. 2 Replies 0 Likes
Could anyone summarise Adorno's ideas on philosophy and performance in one paragraph? I'm quite new to performance philosophy and am very curious to know more about Adorno's thought. I'm on tour a…Continue
Posted by Anirban Kumar on May 13, 2020 at 14:27 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Phillip Cartwright on January 15, 2020 at 21:28 0 Comments 0 Likes
Karolina Nevoina and I are pleased to announce availability of our working paper, "Further Evidence on the Meaning of Musical Performance". Special thanks to Professor Aaron Williamon and the Royal College of Music, Centre for Performance Science.…
ContinuePosted by Carlos Eduardo Sanabria on December 6, 2019 at 20:01 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Gabrielle Senza on February 23, 2018 at 0:36 0 Comments 1 Like
I just came across Denis Beaubois, an Australian multidisciplinary artist whose work, Currency - Division of Labor might be of interest to researchers here.
It is a series of video/performance works that use the division of labor model in capitalism as a structural tool for performance.
From his website:
The Division of labour work explores…
ContinueCall for papers:
Global Adorno.
International Conference at the University of Amsterdam, March 20-23, 2016.
It is constitutive for Critical Theory that it is linked to a moral and political ideal of self-reflexive enlightenment and emancipation. It is constitutive as well that such a theory is dependent on historical and cultural experiences. Theodor W. Adorno, the most prominent and intellectualy accomplished representative of Critical Theory made in Frankfurt, always has emphasized these constitutive elements.
Almost fifty years after the first climax of the - predominantly political - reception of the work of Adorno during the late 1960s, the conditions for reading his work obviously have changed a lot in the sign of so-called "globalization". For this reason the conference mainly is interested in two questions:
- What are the various local contexts of the reception of Adorno's work today?
- What does Adorno have to contribute to pushing questions of a globalized world? Questions of cosmopolitanism for example? Or of a critique of post-colonial power? Or of political strategies of anti-nationalist and internationalist movements?
The conference wants to bring together a number of international scholars - from Europe, North and South America, East Asia and maybe other parts of the world - to discuss these questions.
Confirmed speakers until now: Rodrigo Duarte (Belo Horizonte/Brazil), Samir Gandesha (Vancouver/Canada), Gertrud Koch (Berlin/Germany), Giovanni Matteucci (Bologna/Italy), Cecilia Sjöholm (Stockholm/Sweden), Ruth Sonderegger (Vienna/Austria), Zhao Qianfan (Shanghai/PR China).
Please send a short proposal (of about 400 words) and a short cv (of about 400 words as well) to the organizers of the conference, Josef Früchtl (j.fruchtl@uva.nl) and Johan Hartle (j.f.hartle@uva.nl). Deadline: 15th of November.
Prof. Dr. Josef Früchtl
University of Amsterdam
Department of Philosophy
Oude Turfmarkt 141-147
1012 GC Amsterdam
Tel.: xx31- (0)20 - 525 4529
Email: j.fruchtl@uva.nl
Website: http://home.medewerker.uva.nl/j.fruchtl
Started by Peter Zazzali. Last reply by Felix de Villiers Feb 24, 2016. 1 Reply 0 Likes
Workshop Title: In Search of Adorno’s Legacy in Performance Theory and Practice Dear Colleagues:Greetings. My name is Peter Zazzali and I am a recent member of the Adorno discussion group. In…Continue
Started by Will Daddario Jan 12, 2014. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Hello to all members of the Adorno group. I'm sorry that I haven't been posting much here over the last year, but the silence was not due to lack of thought.Karoline Gritzner and I have been editing…Continue
Started by Will Daddario. Last reply by Frank M C Kuehn Dec 10, 2012. 6 Replies 0 Likes
I think it would be a good idea if we started compiling a bibliography of sources dedicated to exploring Adorno's thoughts on/for performance. Please add any and all sources, in whatever language, so…Continue
Tags: Bibliography, Adorno
Started by bruno roubicek. Last reply by bruno roubicek Sep 6, 2012. 2 Replies 0 Likes
Could anyone summarise Adorno's ideas on philosophy and performance in one paragraph? I'm quite new to performance philosophy and am very curious to know more about Adorno's thought. I'm on tour a…Continue
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Hi Everybody,
I wanted to let you all know that the next edition of The European Legacy (journal) will be dedicated to Adorno. It is a special edition edited by Peter Zazzali, and I am very happy to have an article in it. I think the electronic format will be published soon and the paper version is coming out in October. If anybody would like to see a copy of article, which reads the artwork of Vadim Zakharov and Siah Armajani by "playing" Adornian etudes, please send me a message and I can give you a link.
Also, if any of you have Adorno-related news, please do share it here.
In my comment below I forgot to add something important relating Adorno to performance. He was particularly attentive to the details of interpretation. The Suhrkamp Verlag published a fat book of his called On the Theory of Reproduction which is full of indications about how various works should be rendered. This is a book I dip into but I don't care much to read it all as one needs to have the wrong interpretations even of famous musicians illustrated. A video lecture would have been ideal for this.
From my fairly thorough knowledge of Schumann's piano works I know exactly what Adorno means. Even famous and great pianists can get something so wrong that it destroys the character of a piece. I will give only one example. In the cycle called Child Scenes the piece called At the Fireside has a short descending motive related to the first theme in the middle section. Most pianists simply ignore this. but not Clara Schumann's pupil, Fanny Davies.I can hear Clara crying, "Can't you hear the horn?!" Due to the modulations this motive goes through the recapitulation comes back as a surprise.If this is ignored the piece falls into the cosy domesticated drawing room genre.
I know this discussion dates back to 2012 but I am gradually starting to find my way on this forum. 'Performance' seems to be a key word but I have seen some contributions about Adorno's ideas without specific reference to performance.
Someone wrote that Schoenberg and Alban Berg did not much admire his compositions. His relationship with Schoenberg was always tense as his criticism of the former's fixation on the 12tone system did not endear him to Sch..Alban Berg regretted that Adorno was showing signs of moving away from composition to philosophy so he must have seen some promise in Adorno's early compositions. Of those I have heard..I particularly enjoy a cycle of 5 Orchestral Pieces.His sketches for string quartets which he never completed are available on youtube and I find them fascinating.
Adorno orchestrated a series of pieces from Schumann's Album for the Young which at times go somewhat in the direction of Webern with compression, sketchy somewhat hidden motives which Adorno brings out with orchestral colouring.
Review of Quasi Una Fantasia, here. First line: "Oh, for the days when criticism mattered. And really mattered, to the artists being criticised."
Hello Everybody! I would like to recommend a web page which is about a course of lectures I have organized this year (May-July) with some other people in Leipzig (Germany). http://aesthetikdenken.wordpress.com. This project was (in a broader sense) about the connections between art, philosophy and politics in Adornos Aesthetic Theory. There are audio-streams available for some of the lectures. At the moment we are preparing an anthology which includes the lectures and some other contributions in german language. Our next project in April 2013 is a co-operation with the Centraltheater Leipzig which explores the connection of theatre and Adornos thoughts, especially in relation to questions about institution, dramaturgy and aesthetic. So, I'm very glad that I found the performance & philosophy network and got to know Karoline as well.
Hi Will (and Karoline). Thanks for posting the very exciting CFP for the Adorno and Peformance volume. A quick question: do you have a timeline yet of when the essays (if selected) will be due? [I ask because I have a piece in the very early stages about "culture and administration," cultural policy, the curator, and performance in Berlin, but it is still some ways (into 2013) away from completion] so wanted to get a sense from you about the timeline before I submit an abstract. Thanks so much and looking forward to connecting soon.
Hi Everybody. Karoline and I are putting the finishing touches on a Call for Abstracts for a new anthology on Adorno and Performance. Keep your eyes peeled for that. Also, if you haven't done so already, please take a moment to update the bibliography conversation thread (above). It would be great to get all the documents in one place and then paste that comprehensive list into the PP Main Bibliography.
Apparently there was an exhibition emphasizing Adorno's spoken word work:
Just the kind of thing I was hoping to hear about. Doesn't appear in a quick search on British Library main catalogue or Cambridge University Library catalogue. Let us know if it is available.
I was having a conversation with Hans-Thies Lehmann recently and he mentioned a former student, Anja Nowak who had done a lot of work on Adorno and Theater/Performance Theory. It seems the book has been published in German, but is seemingly unavailable at the moment. I just emailed Anja to ask when it might be available -- I will get back to the group when and if I hear something. Hope all is well. Here is the link: http://www.verlag-koenigshausen-neumann.de/product_info.php/languag...
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