Performance Philosophy is an international network open to all researchers concerned with the relationship between performance & philosophy.

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Blog Posts

"Further Evidence on the Meaning of Musical Performance" Working Paper

Posted by Phillip Cartwright on January 15, 2020 at 21:28 0 Comments

Karolina Nevoina and I are pleased to announce availability of our working paper, "Further Evidence on the Meaning of Musical Performance". Special thanks to Professor Aaron Williamon and the Royal College of Music, Centre for Performance Science.…


Division of Labor - Denis Beaubois

Posted by Gabrielle Senza on February 23, 2018 at 0:36 0 Comments

I just came across Denis Beaubois, an Australian multidisciplinary artist whose work, Currency - Division of Labor might be of interest to researchers here.

It is a series of video/performance works that use the division of labor model in capitalism as a structural tool for performance.

From his website:

The Division of labour work explores…




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Genres of Dramatic Thought


Genres of Dramatic Thought

The goal of this group is to qualify the dramatic terms of the affinity between philosophy and performance. By tracing the parallel between the forms that philosophical writing adopted and their corresponding dramatic visions, this group strives to demonstrate how the genre-specific relations between philosophy and drama reveal the respective role that suffering plays in the act of understanding.

Location: Paris, London, Berlin
Members: 54
Latest Activity: Jun 6, 2017





An international symposium to be held at the ICI Berlin on

December 4-5, 2014.

What is the relation between laughter and thought? How does suffering bring about understanding? Do some philosophies have a comic rather than a tragic vision? The contemporary fascination with how performance and philosophy overlap begs an appeal to genre studies. Tragedy and comedy can function as exemplary sites on which the tensions between theatre, philosophy and performance are played out.

Bringing together performers and scholars from the fields of philosophy, literature and theater, this symposium will investigate how contrasting genres inform the relation between performance and philosophy.


Simon Critchley

The New School   

Erika Fischer-Lichte

Free University Berlin      

Hans-Thies Lehmann

Goethe University Frankfurt/Main


Russell Ford

Elmhurst College

John Morreall

College of William and Mary

Jennifer Wallace

Cambridge University

Rupert Glasgow    

Independent Scholar 

Nikolaus Müller-Schöll

Goethe University Frankfurt/Main

Stephen Wilmer

Trinity College Dublin

Joachim Küpper    

Free University Berlin

Freddie Rokem

University of Tel Aviv

Along with over 20 distinguished seminar presenters from around the world

Join our roundtable discussions, in-depth seminar sessions and keynote lectures and take part in the lively debate about philosophy’s reliance upon specific dramatic techniques. By thinking the productive clash between generic structure and performative flow, we seek to trace the future of genre in its philosophical dimension in a post-dramatic, post-disciplinary world.

Attendance is free and open to all. The symposium will be held in English. Please visit the website for more details and a complete list of participants:

Organized by Ramona Mosse, Anna Street, and Maïté Marciano,

founding members of the Performance Philosophy Working Group

“Tragedy and Comedy: Genres of Dramatic Thought“


in cooperation with the Dahlem Humanities Center and the ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry with support of the Center for International Cooperation at the Free University Berlin.

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Comment by Anna Street on June 6, 2017 at 12:53

Looking forward to your panel, Jim! Thanks for the heads up!

Comment by James Hamilton on June 5, 2017 at 17:41

At the meeting in Prague, one of the issues I will address is the alleged distinction between acting and performance. (I believe that is a false distinction, by the way; and will provide the basis for thinking it so.) Look for the panel led by David Saltz. This might well be relevant to this group.



Comment by Anna Street on June 19, 2014 at 16:29

Check out our new website:

Thanks, Ramona Mosse!

Comment by Anna Street on June 19, 2014 at 10:50




by Sophokles, translated by Anne Carson





Antigone -- Avital Ronell

Ismene sister of Antigone -- Elisabeth Angel-Perez

Kreon king of Thebes -- Judith Butler

Haimon son of Kreon & Eurydike -- Karen Shimakawa

Eurydike wife of Kreon, mother of Haimon -- Freddie Rokem

Teiresias blind prophet of Thebes, led by a boy -- Opie Boero Imwinkelried

Guard -- Timothy Murray

Messenger -- Paul Monaghan

Chorus of old Theban Men -- Laura Cull, Jon McKenzie, and conference audience

Nick a mute part, [always onstage, he measures things] -- Ben Hjorth

John Ireland will facilitate the post-reading discussion.

Thanks to assistant Jeanne Schaaf and conference co-organizer Anna Street


For more information, please visit the TPP website:
Registration ends tomorrow! All are welcome.
Illustrations by Bianca Stone, used by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp
Comment by Anna Street on June 17, 2014 at 11:55

In preparation for the TPP 2014 conference coming up next week, check out "A TPP-goer's Guide to Jon McKenzie's Galaxy in Perform or Else" (link below). He has some interesting things to say about laughter at the end . . . 


Comment by Anna Street on January 16, 2014 at 16:06

Check out the website to our upcoming conference:

There will be a panel on dramatic genres, so be sure to submit your proposal before January 31st!

Read the Call for Papers:

Hope you see all of you there . . .


Members (54)


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