Madison Performance Philosophy Collective

  • Julia Lee Barclay-Morton

    Thanks for invite!  I hope to be joining you there in the Fall.  If possible, would love to get to your April event as well. I applied for a postdoc fellowship to research the relationship & possible symbiosis of the sacred-secular, working with William James' 'Varieties of Religious Experience' and aspects of my own performance practice/research. Would love to know what you all are doing/thinking/researching in this ever-becoming-field of Performance Philosophy.

  • Katie Schaag

    We're really excited about our grant for our April 2014 interim event! More details coming soon!

    And, Julia - and Michael -we'd love to have you join us!

  • Katie Schaag

    Consider submitting a proposal to the Madison Performance Philosophy Collective's inaugural event, Mad Theory: A Performance Philosophy Symposium. 

    We welcome a diversity of approaches, styles, and methods: lecture performances, experimental talks, live art, interactive installations, roundtable discussions, collaborative praxis-based workshops, site-specific work, durational work, and hybrid theory-practice sessions. 

    This event is co-sponsored by Performance Philosophy, an international research network, and the A.W. Mellon Art and Scholarship Workshop at UW-Madison's Center for the Humanities. 

    Proposals are due March 7. Read the CFP here:  Mad Theory CFP

  • aharon


    Hope its ok to post here a few questions re proposals..

    * How long workshop sessions might be?  
    * Can there be more than a single session? (ie 3 workshops on 3 different days/occasions..)
    * Is there a particular physical environment space/place you prepare for workshops?
    -- If so, do you have image/images?
    -- If not, can you provide some information about possible spaces and times..?

    Cheers and many thanks!
  • Andrew Salyer

    Check out the fantastic lineup of projects happening at MAD THEORY 2014!

  • Andrew Salyer