Performance Philosophy is an international network open to all researchers concerned with the relationship between performance & philosophy.

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  • For general enquiries about Performance Philosophy, please contact Laura Cull:


Performing Viral Pandemics?

Started by aha. Last reply by aha May 11, 2020. 2 Replies

Hi.Hopefully all is well!The shorty is a suggestion to start an online conversation group to elaborate questions from theCovid-19 oriented period and Performance Philosophy?eg. Intra-Active Virome?…Continue

We all have the same dream?

Started by Egemen Kalyon Apr 2, 2020. 0 Replies

Hello, "We all have the same dream" is my project that aims to create an archive from the dreams of our era and reinterpret Jung's "collective unconscious" concepts with performance and performing…Continue

Circus and Its Others 2020, UC Davis CFP

Started by Ante Ursic Mar 15, 2020. 0 Replies

Circus and its Others 2020November 12-15University of California, DavisRevised Proposal Deadline: April 15, 2020Launched in 2014, the Circus and its Others research project explores the ways in which…Continue

Tags: critical, ethnic, queer, performance, animal

Blog Posts

"Further Evidence on the Meaning of Musical Performance" Working Paper

Posted by Phillip Cartwright on January 15, 2020 at 21:28 0 Comments

Karolina Nevoina and I are pleased to announce availability of our working paper, "Further Evidence on the Meaning of Musical Performance". Special thanks to Professor Aaron Williamon and the Royal College of Music, Centre for Performance Science.…


Division of Labor - Denis Beaubois

Posted by Gabrielle Senza on February 23, 2018 at 0:36 0 Comments

I just came across Denis Beaubois, an Australian multidisciplinary artist whose work, Currency - Division of Labor might be of interest to researchers here.

It is a series of video/performance works that use the division of labor model in capitalism as a structural tool for performance.

From his website:

The Division of labour work explores…




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Ahou Mostowfi liked Chris Frias's video
Aug 11
Rodrigo Arenas liked Rodrigo Arenas's profile
Mar 12
Thomas Mical liked Nik Wakefield's blog post Bergson and Performance
Mar 11
Profile IconLinda Lyn Cunningham, Schirin Nowrousian and Jorge Palinhos joined Anna Street's group

Genres of Dramatic Thought

The goal of this group is to qualify the dramatic terms of the affinity between philosophy and performance. By tracing the parallel between the forms that philosophical writing adopted and their corresponding dramatic visions, this group strives to demonstrate how the genre-specific relations between philosophy and drama reveal the respective role that suffering plays in the act of understanding.See More
Mar 11
Profile IconKimberly Mccourt, Sonia York-Pryce, Ken Friedman and 163 more joined Performance Philosophy
Mar 11
Jorge Palinhos joined Eve Katsouraki's group

TaPRA Theatre Performance & Philosophy

The focus of the group’s activity is the examination of any aspect of theatre and performance through philosophical frameworks. Ever since Aristotle’s Poetics in the West, and Natyashastra in what is now South Asia, philosophy has played a major role in relation to theatre, both in explaining the phenomena associated with theatre and in influencing theatre practice and theory. Besides examining the often overlooked historical links between philosophy and theatre in the works and plays of given…See More
Mar 8
Jorge Palinhos joined Clara Armand's group

Intermedial Performance

This group will discuss a range of intermedial possibilities, transformations and/or issues at the interart juncture of live and recorded performance. We shall open up a forum to discuss the communicative systems of a range of art forms, which interact within the medium of performance. A media-saturated world has inevitably transformed traditional notions of performance and has inspired new perspectives and aspects of performance theory. The whole framing act of communication has been brought…See More
Mar 8
Jorge Palinhos joined James McNicholas's group

Theatre and Philosophical Principles

Theatre practitioners have often underpinned their training and performance practices with principles. Those principles can often be defined and described as being philosophical in nature and focus. Obvious names are Grotowski, Gordon-Craig, Suzuki and Artaud, to name but a few.This group explores theatrical practices based around or culminating in philosophical principles, which often begin not as philosophy, but rather emerge from theatrical practice itself.See More
Mar 8
Jorge Palinhos joined Felipe Cervera's group

Performance and Science Fiction

Science Fiction Studies has relied on performance theory in order to define itself.   For instance, the 'father' SF studies, Darko Suvin, relied on Brecht in the development of his definition of SF as the literature of cognitive estrangement. Later, Carl Freedman wrote of the effect that SF performs on the reader. And, more recently, China Miéville  draws from Austin in order to make a point that SF is 'something done with language by someone to someone' and then flirts with Stanislavski by…See More
Mar 8
lewie brown liked Myfanwy Nolan's profile
May 2, 2023
Olivera Z. Mijuskovic posted a status
Oct 2, 2022
Bernard Roddy liked Meghan Moe Beitiks's profile
Aug 23, 2022
Benil Biswas liked Nik Wakefield's blog post Bergson and Performance
May 25, 2022
Graça P. Corrêa liked Nik Wakefield's blog post Bergson and Performance
Jan 30, 2022
Regi Metcalf liked Maïté Marciano's group Northwestern Performance Philosophy Community
Jan 26, 2022
Regi Metcalf liked Allison Upshaw's group Black women
Jan 26, 2022


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